Production & Manufactoring
Become more efficient and productive throughout the company – and involve all employees in daily life in a completely new and social way. This results in happier employees and greater transparency in the workplace.
- Reach out to all employees – including those in production
- Fast and efficient for daily communication
- Better management and communication in production
- Information is no further away than the mobile phone
- More engaged and satisfied employees
- Share knowledge and know-how between everyone
- Daily feed keeps everyone up to date with what's happening right now
- Direct communication with and between all employees
- Achieve a more efficient and productive everyday life in production
- Build a modern and digital workplace
Reach out to all employees throughout production
With the company’s own employee app, the company has a completely new and central platform for fast and efficient communication with all employees, including those in production, and can thereby quickly communicate important messages, initiatives and changes to all or selected employees and teams.
- Everyone is up to date on what is happening in the company right now
- Creates higher efficiency and productivity
- Avoid important information being lost with the potential for loss of time and money
- Can target departments and locations of the company (or all)
- Everyone becomes a bigger part of the company's everyday life and work

Achieve better communication with production teams and work groups
Med en medarbejder app er det meget nemmere at kommunikere med arbejdshold eller arbejdsgrupper både fra ledelse og ledere, men også imellem de forskellige arbejdshold og arbejdsgrupper. Dermed går vigtig viden og information ikke tabt, men når ud til alle i produktionens forskellige processor.
- Direct message system with and between all employees
- Send tasks, instructions and reminders directly to employees or work teams
- Effective communication between the different work teams and teams
- Attach files, videos, images and documents in the messages
- Significantly optimizes work processes throughout production
Knowledge sharing puts information and knowledge at the fingertips of everyone
With the knowledge library, it is possible to share knowledge and know-how all the way to the individual employee. In this way, important knowledge and know-how is shared in a completely new and flexible way, where all employees have access to articles, guides, information and knowledge at their fingertips.
- Share knowledge articles of any kind - fully organized structure
- Can share videos, links, images, files, guides and more
- Share the staff handbook digitally
- Searches take place across the entire knowledge library
- Good for new employee onboarding
- Easy and simple to find information regardless of time and place

Involve employees in new initiatives, strategies and changes
Bring out the good ideas and involve the employees more in the company’s initiatives, strategies and changes. It helps the business to be more innovative and can help the business navigate faster and more efficiently for the benefit of customers, revenue and the bottom line.
- Share daily news, initiatives and strategies easily and simply
- Give likes and comments on news, initiatives and ideas
- Hold polls on important topics
- Everyone is involved in the company's daily operations
- Provides more satisfied employees who are retained longer
Find information about your colleagues and the organization
With the organization module, it is possible to find information on all your colleagues such as telephone, e-mail, general information and where they work.
You can also find information about departments, both internal and external departments and locations. Everything at hand, efficient, fast and convenient.
- Easily find phone, e-mail, etc. on all colleagues
- Find information about your own department and your colleagues
- Get to know the whole organization better
- Find information about all departments and locations
- Searchable and informative